Angelena Efstathiou
Role: Head of Conservation and Research
Project: African Bat Conservation
Location: UK
Angelena holds a BSc in Animal Conservation and Biodiversity (from University of Greenwich) and a MRes in Endangered Species and Recovery (from Nottingham Trent University). She carried out her BSc thesis on a mixed species troop of primates at ZSL London Zoo and her MRes thesis on white bellied free tailed bats in Lilongwe, with African Bat Conservation. She was awarded a research grant from Bat Conservation International to conduct her research on roost exclusions in Lilongwe to help inform conflict mitigation. Angelena is an experienced bat worker having been involved in many scientific research projects including radio tracking several UK species.
After her first degree she took time out from education to gain experience which included working as a zookeeper, a ranger, an ecologist and she also volunteered with several conservation groups. This enabled her gain a variety of experience from both the private and third sectors. She has been involved in conservation projects in both the UK and Africa and has sat on committees for several conservation groups including being Chair of Nottinghamshire Bat Group. She holds several UK Protected Species Licences including Levels 1-4 for Bats.